GRI 501 Business Planning: Run Your Business like a Business, NOT a Hobby
April 10, 2024| 9:00 AM– 4:00 PM CT | 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM| Zoom Virtual Classroom
No matter the business, the truth is, success is largely determined not by your products or prices, but rather by the way you run your business. Sadly, many agent’s don’t have a clue when it comes to running a business. Sure, you can list and sell a home, prospect and secure a buyer but what about long term? How do you build a sustainable, lifetime business in Real Estate? Evidence shows that entrepreneurs who think less like small business owners — and more like big business CEO’s — have a better shot at achieving long-term success. Learn how to systematize your business by implementing simple strategies that manage and monitor your results.
6 CE Credit pending
Instructor: Marguerite Crespillo
Early Course Fees (until 4/5/2024 5:00 pm):
- GRI Designee(has the GRI designation) – $62.50
- GRI/CE Credit – $125.00
- Non members – $150.00
Click here for more information on the Graduate, REALTOR Institute (GRI) Designation