Jurisdictional Map

Local Boards
Aberdeen Area Association of REALTORS®
P.O. Box 703 | Aberdeen, SD 57401 Aberdeen/Brown County, Edmunds, Faulk, McPherson, and Spink Counties President: Marissa RoemmickPhone: (605)337-3555
Email marisa.roemmick@gmail.com
Executive Officer: Julie Larson Phone: (605) 228-2064
Email abor@nvc.net
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Black Hills Association of REALTORS®
227 Founders Park Drive | Rapid City, SD 57701 Rapid City/Pennington County, Piedmont/Southern Meade County Haakon and Jackson Counties President: Jaima Knutson-ColsonPhone: (605) 341-4600
Email jaima@jaimaknutson.com
Executive Officer: Lynsey Balderramos Phone: (605) 341-2580 | Fax: (605) 341-6614
Email lynsey@bhmls.com
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Central South Dakota Board of REALTORS®
PO Box 38 | Blunt, SD 57522 Pierre/Hughes County, Fort Pierre/Stanley County, Mobridge/Walworth County, Hoven/Potter County, Onida/Sully County, Gregory/Gregory County, Campbell, Corson, Dewey, Hyde, Jones, Lyman, Mellette, Todd and Tripp Counties President: Jess ZuberPhone: (605) 595.8679
Email jesszuberre@gmail.com
Executive Officer: Dawn Tassler Phone: (605) 280-1968 | Fax: (605) 962-6135
Email dandd@venturecomm.net
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East Central South Dakota REALTORS®
PO Box 423 | Brookings, SD 57006 Brookings, Estelline, Elkton/Brookings County, Kingsbury, Miner, and Moody Counties President: RaeAnn ThompsonPhone: (605) 695-8495
Email raeann@brookingshomes.com
Executive Officer: Samantha Trooien Phone: (605) 690-1819
Email ecsdbr@gmail.com
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Huron Board of REALTORS®
PO Box 529 | Huron, SD 57350 Huron/Beadle County; Hand, Jerauld, and Sanborn Counties President: Mary NeugebauerPhone: (605) 3504-3428
Email mary@montgomeryagency.com
Executive Officer: Samantha Trooien Phone: (605) 690-1819
Email ae@hbor.org
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Meridian Association of REALTORS®
PO Box 258 | Yankton, SD 57078 Yankton, Lesterville /Yankton County, Vermillion/Clay County, Beresford, Dakota Dunes/Union County, Wagner/Charles Mix County, Bon Homme and Hutchinson Counties President: Hannah NooneyPhone: (605) 661-4418
Email hannahnooney@gmail.com
Executive Officer: Marie Faulk Phone: (605) 661-4091
Email mariemfaulk@gmail.com
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Mitchell Board of REALTORS®
301 S. Ohlman | Mitchell, SD 57301 Mitchell/Davison County, Buffalo County, Brule County, Aurora County, Hanson County and Douglas County President: Tyler SuttonPhone: (605) 280-3284
Email tylers.realtor@gmail.com
Executive Officer: Sally Moody Phone: (605) 770-1414
Email sally.mbor@gmail.com
Mount Rushmore Area Association of REALTORS®
1230 North Avenue, Suite 1 | Spearfish, SD 57783 Deadwood, Lead, Spearfish/Lawrence County, Sturgis/Northern Meade County, Belle Fourche/Butte County, Lemmon/Perkins County, Harding, Ziebach Counties, Custer, Hill City/Custer County, Hot Springs/Fall River County, Bennett and Shannon Counties President: Crystal WilesPhone: (605) 255-5500
Email crystal.wiles.bca@gmail.com
Executive Officer: Brandy Purcell Hartman Phone: (605) 722-0181 | Fax: (605) 722-0182
Email ae@mountrushmoremls.com
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Northeast South Dakota Association of REALTORS®
818 S Broadway, Ste 104 | Watertown, SD 57201 Watertown/Codington County, Milbank/Grant County, Clark, Day, Deuel, Hamlin, Marshall, and Roberts Counties President: Jason GoettePhone: (605) 868-2851
Email jason@sodakrealty.com
Executive Officer: Lisa DiRose Phone: (605) 753-0117 | Fax: (605) 886-1066
Email ae@nesdrealtors.com
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REALTOR® Association of the Sioux Empire, Inc.
2415 West 57th Street | Sioux Falls, SD 57108 Sioux Falls, Brandon, Dell Rapids/ Minnehaha County, Madison/Lake County, Tea, Harrisburg, Canton/Lincoln County, McCook and Turner Counties President: Larissa LutherPhone: (605) 201-0648
Email larissa@inrealtygroup.com
Executive Officer: Jake Zika Phone: (605) 334-4752 | Fax: (605) 335-8981
Email jack@rase-inc.org
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